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Alessandro GhebreigziabiherBiography

Alessandro Ghebreigziabiher is an author, playwright, actor, storyteller, teacher and theater director. He has published about twenty books, including nine novels, anthologies of short stories, fairy tales for children, publications for the schools. He is author of storytelling plays, spoken word poetry videos, a blog and also a podcast about contemporary news from Italy and abroad. He was born in Naples in 1968 to an Eritrean father and an Italian mother. He is a forerunner among black italian writers, a precursor afro-italian artist, being also one of the very first afro-italian theatre actors, authors and playwright in italian history. However, the definition that he still prefers today is born between two Souths, Africa and Naples. Since 1999 he is married to Cecilia Moreschi, drama therapist, actress, director and expert in children's theater. They currently live in Rome with their two sons.
Since almost thirty years Ghebreigziabiher conducted workshops and experiential laboratories on theatre, storytelling and social animation in clinical and therapeutic institutions, as much as drug addiction rehabilitation and mental health communities, in several conferences on education subjects offered to professionals.
He obtained a Computer science university degree at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, and also for this reason, not surprisingly, in 2019 he closed his profiles and pages on various social networks, definitively abandoning Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and similar. At Sapienza University he also studied acting with Saverio D'Ercole and attended many acting courses, one in particular with Gary Brackett from The Living Theatre of New York. From 1994 to 2002 he attended meetings on managing and leading a group by the psychoanalyst Harold Bridger (founding member of the Tavistock Institute).
His first book, Sunset (Tramonto, Italian edition, Lapis, 2002, Tempesta Editore, 2017), in 2003 was selected by the International Youth Library (IYL), in Munich, Germany, for the White Ravens, a mention for children books from around the world that they consider to be especially noteworthy.
Alessandro Ghebreigziabiher
Here are other books, among italian editions:
2006 Mondo giovane (Young world), collection of short stories for the school students (Editrice La Ginestra)
2006  Il poeta, il santo e il navigatore (The poet, the saint and the navigator), novel (Fermento Editore)
2007 Lo scrigno cosmopolita (The cosmopolitan trunk), collection of short stories for the school students (Editrice La Ginestra)
2008 Tra la terra e l'acqua (Between earth and water), illustrated children book(Camelozampa)
Alessandro Ghebreigziabiher2008 L'intervallo (The interval), novel (Intermezzi Editore)
2013 Il dono della diversità (The gift of diversity), short stories collection (Tempesta Editore)
2013 A mori diversi (Different loves) short stories collection (Tempesta Editore)
2014 Roba da bambini (Kids' stuff) short stories collection (Tempesta Editore)
2015 La truffa dei migranti (The hoax of the migrants), novel (Tempesta Editore)
2016 Elisa e il meraviglioso mondo degli oggetti (Elisa and the wonderful world of objects), novel (Tempesta Editore)
2017 Tramonto, la fiaba del figlio di Buio e Luce  (Sunset, the story of Dark and Light's son), new edition, Picture Book for children, (Tempesta Editore)
2017 Carla senza di Noi (Carla without Us), novel (Graphofeel Editions) 
2019 Lo strano caso del professor Mann (The strange vice of professor Mann), novel (Ofelia Editions)
2019 Matematica delle parole (Mathematics of words), novel (Toutcourt Editions)
2020 A morte i razzisti (Racists to death), novel (Oakmond Publishing)
2021 Agata nel paese che non legge (Agata in the country that does not read), novel (NEM Editore)
2022 Nato da un crimine contro l'umanità. Dialogo con mio padre sulle conseguenze del colonialismo italiano, prefazione di Salvatore Palidda (Born of a crime against humanity. Dialogue with my father on the consequences of Italian colonialism, essay, preface by Salvatore Palidda), essay (Tab Edizioni)
2023 Io, Blu e Rosso (Me, Blue and Red), novel (Edizioni Bette)
2024 Specchi delle nostre brame (Mirrors of our desires), novel (Edizioni Bette)

Many of his stories and articles have been published on various literary and cultural magazines.
He told his stories all over the country:
2004: Literature Festival Evocamondi, El-Ghibli, Bologna.
2005: Literature Festival “Afro-Italian Voices”, Rome.
Alessandro Ghebreigziabiher2005: Fourth Edition of the National Meeting Culture and literature of migration, Ferrara.
2005: Literature Festival “Intersection of the roads”, Bologna.
2009: Third National Seminar for Intercultural Education, Senigallia.
2010: International Symposium, "Identities, gender and in-equalities", Trieste.
2012: Migrant Ideas, Pigorini Museum, Rome.
2013: Festival "Theatre of people, interculture on stage", Palermo.
Alessandro Ghebreigziabiher2014: Festival of People, Chieti.
2016: 15° National Meeting World Culture and Literature, Ferrara

In 2005 he created the Theatre Storytelling Laboratory, becoming artistic director of the Italy Theatre Storytelling Festival, “The gift of diversity.
He is among the coordinators of the international storytelling network Red Internacional de Cuentacuentos. In 2016 he founded the international network of narrators Storytellers for Peace.
Since 2007 you can watch clips on his Youtube Channel, where he tells stories inspired by news, as well as storytelling and spoken word poetry videos. In 2023, after 15 years, here is the podcast version of Storie e Notizie (Stories and News).

Spoken Word Poetry Italiano

Teatro di narrazione e Storytelling italiano dal vivo

Canzoni dal vivo

Digital Storytelling Italiano

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